Ioan Dura
Associate Professor, PhD.
"Ovidius" University of Constanta
Faculty of Theology
Constanta (Romania)
2009 - 2012 - PhD: History and Philosophy of Religions (Theology)
"AL. I. CUZA" UNIVERSITY OF IASI - Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae” Romania
2007 - 2009 - Master`s DegreeSystematic and Biblical Theology
"AL. I. CUZA" UNIVERSITY OF IASI - Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae” Romania
2003 - 2007 - Bachelor`s Degree Theology
"AL. I. CUZA" UNIVERSITY OF IASI - Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae” Romania
2022 - present
Associate Professor, PhD
2014 - 2022
Lecturer, PhD
2015 - present
Member of Senate
I am Associate Professor at Faculty of Theology (“Ovidius” University of Constanța), where I teaches History and Philosophy of Religions. My publications (books, studies, articles) are focused on the following topics: Religion (Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism), Philosophy, Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Tolerance, Secularization.
2021 - present
British Society for the Philosophy of ReligionProfile
ID: I-54682KBBNPE7
2021 - present
European Academy of Religion
Member ID: MEMBER21_00001020210115
2021 - present
The Society of Christian Philosophers
Membership no: 2171
2009 - 2014
Theologia Pontica, edited by Center for Theological, Intercultural and Ecumenical Research - Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Ovidius University from Constanta
2016 - present
European Journal for science and Theology
ISSN: 1842 - 8517
2016 - present
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (BSU-IJHSS)
ISSN: 2314-8810
2017 - present
Romanian Journal of Indian Studies
ISSN: 2601-064X
2017 - present
Труд и социальные отношения (Labour and Social Relations)
ISSN: 2073-7815 (print)
2018 - present
Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy
ISSN: 2244-1875
2020 - present
Habiba Islamicus. The international journal of Arabic and Islamic Research
ISSN: 2664-4916 (print)
ISSN: 2664-4924 (online)Pakistan
2020 - present
The International Research Journal Department of Usooluddin
ISSN: 2664-4932 (print), ISSN: 2664-4940 (online)
2024 - present
The Journal of Near East University Islamic Research Center
e-ISSN: 2687-4148
2015 - present
Member in Board of Directors of Centre for Studies and Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Bucharest
2015 - present
Founder member and coordinator of Forum of History and Philosophy of Religions, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University from Constanta
10th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Distance and proximity: dimensions and opportunities of inter-religious encounters, October 31st, 2024, Frumosu (Romania),
9th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - "Reality and Virtual Space. Philosophical and Theological Approaches", June 23-26, 2024, Vatra-Dornei (Romania),
10th edition of international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Homo religiosus & homo technicus: discontinuities or congruencies?, June 20-21, 2024, Constanța (Romania),
International conference Žižek's Critique of Krek’s Catholic Organicism: Antagonistic Social Model versus Relationship Model, 21 June 2024, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
International conferences Religion, culture and society: South-Africa experience and A Fatherless South Africa: The Role and Calling of the Church, invited speaker Prof. Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks, North-West University, South Africa, 22 May 2024, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
9th conference (national edition) Religion, Knowledge, Society - "Integritate și redefinire. Omul în orizontul multidimensional al societății contemporane", November 24, 2023, Constanta,
13th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (ESRARC 2023) - Constanța, May 25-27, 2023, Constanta (Romania)
8th international seminar RKS - Religion, Knowledge, Society - "The Meaning of Life. A phenomenological approach in a fusion of horizons", May 17th-18th, 2023, Pojorâta (Romania),
8th international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY (RKS) - HUMAN BEING IN THE HORIZON OF AUTHENTICITY. Philosophical and religious perspectives, May 10th-11th, 2023, Constanța (Romania) ,
Conference - Ethical and aesthetic perspectives on virtual reality, invited speakers: Cornel MORARU (National University of Arts in Bucharest), Anda ZAHIU (Applied Ethics Research Center - Bucharest), 15 November 2022, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
7th International seminar RKS - "The Doctrine of Imago Dei and the New Challenges of Transhumanism. Explorations in Eastern and Western Traditions", 2-5 June, 2022, Vatra-Dornei (Romania),
7th International conference Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) "IDENTITIES & BOUNDARIES. Configurations of Religious Diversity in Global Dynamics", 30-31 May, 2022, Constanța (Romania),
On-line conference - Libertatea religioasă între politică și politici, invited speaker: Dr. Cătălin Raiu (University of Bucharest), January 10, 2022, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
International workshop "Sharing Common Values in a Pluralistic World: Constructive Models for Strategic University Cooperation in Religious Studies Domain" - supported by the INTENS-O project, funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education, December 16, 2021.
International conference "Religious education in a fusion of horizons. Christian and Islamic perspectives", 3 June 2021, invited speakers: Dr. Hüseyin Guneș, Dr. Fevzi Rençber, Dr. Kasım Ertaş (Şırnak University, Turkey), Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania
On-line conference - Originea extrem orientală a muzicii de cult europene, invited speaker: Dr. Alexander Graur (Italy), 21 April 2021, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
On-line conference - Crăciunul, Știința și Credința: Lecții pentru 2020, invited speaker: Dr. Doru Costache (Sydney College of Divinity, Australia), 21 December 2020, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
On-line conference - After Secularization. Two sketches: Hans Joas & Jean-Luc Marion, invited speaker: Dr. Stephen C. Headly (France), 15 December 2020, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
On-line conference - Paradigms of Changing Spirituality in the Quantum Age of Crisis, invited speaker: Dr. Alexander Chirila (Turtle Mountain College, USA), 8 April 2020, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
6th Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Fundamentalismul religios: cauze, efecte, soluții, 9 December 2019, Constanta, Romania,
Conference - Libertate și dreptate în era inteligenței artificiale, invited speaker: Dr. Laurențiu Gheorghe (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest), 15 November 2019, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
Summer School LOGOS, 3rd edition - "Meaning & Expression", 18-22 September 2019, Vatra Dornei, Romania
5th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Conceptions of Freedom in a 'Post-Truth' World: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives, 1-3 July 2019, Constanta, Romania,
Conference "Globalizarea și noile religii seculare", invited speaker: Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicu Gavriluță (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi), 1 June 2019, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
Conference - Real și Imaginar în Știință și Teologie, invited speaker: Dr. Iulian Rusu (Technical University"Gh. Assachi", Iași), 7 February 2019, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
International conference - Religion, Knowledge, Spirituality in Intercultural Dynamics, invited speaker: Dr. Abdul Rashid (University of Karachi, Pakistan), 27-29 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
International conference Contemporary Islamic Discourse between Intolerance and Tolerance, invited speaker: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleiman (University of Beni-Suef, Egypt), 27-29 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
6th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY – Religious Discourse in Contemporary Society, 23-25 November 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
Conference Editarea predecesorilor în Istoria Religiilor: Constantin Georgian și Mircea Eliade, invited speaker: Dr. Eugen Ciurtin (Institutul de Istoria Religiilor, Academia Română), 9 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
Conference Sanskrita - demers întru înțelepciune, invited speakers: Dr. Eugen Ciurtin (Institutul de Istoria Religiilor, Academia Română) and Vlad Șovărel, 8 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
Conference Istoria religiilor în Europa contemporană, invited speaker: Dr. Eugen Ciurtin (Institutul de Istoria Religiilor, Academia Română), 7 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania;
Summer School LOGOS, Edition II: Time & Memory, 18-21 September 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
5th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Spirituality as an Antidote to Violence, Vatra-Dornei, Romania, 5-6 July 2018,
International conference Interreligious Dialogue in Contemporary World. Lebanese Context, invited speakers: Edward Alam (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), Chady Rahme (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), Doumit Sakameh (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), 2 July 2018, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta,
International Summer School GNOSIS, 1st edition: SPIRITUALITY versus SPIRITUALITIES: Criteria for an Axiological Perspective, 24-28 June 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
4th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Tradition and Modernity. Religion in Contemporary Dynamics, 21-23 June 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
4th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Identity and Alterity. Religion in the Global Society, 18-19 June 2018, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
International conference Human Person facing the challenges of secular society, invited speaker: Dr. Katarina Valcova (University of Zilina, Slovakia), 11 December, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Credință, raționalitate și provocările globalizării, invited speaker: Dr. Laurențiu Gheorghe (University of Bucharest), 21 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Hermeneutica biblică în scrierile Sf. Maxim Mărturisitorul, invited speaker: Dr. Florin Crîșmăreanu (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 14/15 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
International Conference Religious Tourism and its Social Role in Society, invited speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polina Ananchenkova (Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Rusia), 1 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Convertirea religioasă: redefinirea umanului în orizontul edificării, invited speakers: Cătălin Voșloban & David Teleagă (Ovidius University of Constanta), 31 October, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Christianity and Islam: Criteria for Interreligious Dialogue, invited speaker: Dr. Suleiman Ahmed Mohamed (Beni-Suef University, Egipt), 23-24 October 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Co-organizer of International Symposium Patrimoniul cultural religios naţional şi european: legislaţie şi jurisprudenţă, 5-6 October, 2017, Iasi, Romania
Co-organizer of International Conference PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGY, ETHICS: Global and Local Challenges of the Interaction of Natural and Human Sciences, 21-23 September, 2017, Zilina University in Zilina, Slovakia
Summer School LOGOS, Edition I: Translation, exegesis, interpretation, 15-20 September, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
3rd International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Human Person and the Challenges of Secularization, 22-25 June, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
3rd International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Religion in a Secular Society. Challenges and Perspectives, 19-20 June, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Metafizică, teologie și fenomenologie, invited speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. George Bondor (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 12 June, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Probleme epistemice ridicate de dezbaterea actuală privind ateismul, invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin (Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch), 29 May, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference Teologia și filosofia în dialog. Reconsiderarea unei fuziuni de orizonturi, invited speakers: Dr. Alexandru Tofan & Dr. Florina Hariga (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 15-16 May, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
Conference De la teologie politică la religii politice, invited speakers: Dr. Ana Petrache & Dr. Bogdan Duca, University of Bucharest, 20-21 February, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
2nd International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, 5-6 November, 2016, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
2nd International Conference Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, 31 October - 6 November, 2016, Constanța, Sinaia, Romania,
Conference Interreligious and Antitreligios Dialogue. From Misunderstanding to Misinterpretation, invited speaker: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleyman (Beni Suef University, Egipt), 27 October, 2016, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
1st International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge and Spirituality. Religious Dimension of Man in the Horizon of Contemporary Challenges, 4-6 June, 2016, Vatra-Dornei, Romania,
1st International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in a Pluralistic World. Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, 1-2 June, 2016, Constanta, Romania,
Conference Theology and Science in Dialogue, invited speaker: Dr. Iulian Rusu ("Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania), 30 Mars, 2016, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania,
International Conference One God, One Spirit, One Belief, invited speakers: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleyman (Beni Suef, Egipt) / Dr. Iulian Damian (“Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 29 October, 2015, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Co-organizer of International Seminar The Role of Spirituality in Promoting Reconciliation, 17-23 August, 2015, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Co-organizer of International Conference Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue. Eastern and Western Perspective, 8-9 December, 2014, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Co-organizer of International Seminar Free Society and It`s Core Values, 26 June - 5 July, 2014, Iasi, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
Co-organizer of International Symposium Tainele Bisericii - pelerinaj spre sfinţenie, 16-18 October, 2011, Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae”, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi
Co-organizer of International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, 3rd edition, 16-17 May, 2011, Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae”, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi
Co-organizer of International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, 2nd edition, 13-14 December, 2010, Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Staniloae”, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi
10 - 25 June 2011
Internship of doctoral research at British Library - London, UK
5 May - 2 June 2010
Internship of doctoral research at British Library - London, UK
23 - 27 APRIL, 2018
Notre Dame University-Louaize (LEBANON)
16 - 18 MAY, 2018
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SLOVAKIA)
4 - 8 JUNE, 2018
Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIA)
6 - 10 JANUARY, 2020
Institute of Philosophy, VASS (VIETNAM)
28 APRIL - 5 MAY, 2023
Institute of Philosophy, VASS (VIETNAM)
9 - 15 MAY, 2024
Catholic University of Portugal (PORTUGAL)
2018 - 2020
Expert in International Project "University of Žilina Enhancing Quality of Education based on Internationalization" (004ŽU-2/2016), Slovakia
Expert in International Project "University of Žilina Enhancing Quality of Education based on Internationalization" (004ŽU-2/2016), Slovakia
Trainer in national project „Cultura calității - priorități strategice în UOC. Proiectarea și implementarea unui Centru-pilot de management digital integrat al calității (PilotQ)” (FDI/D5 -CNFIS-FDI-2020-0298), Romania
Member in international project INTENS-O II, code CNFIS-FDI-2021-0387, financed by the Romanian Ministry of Education
10th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Distance and proximity: dimensions and opportunities of inter-religious encounters, October 31st, 2024, Frumosu (Romania) (scientific communication presented: On the path of "togheter": new strategies for inter-religious dialog in Christianity and Islam)
The Role of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Promoting Hope and Solidarity Confronted with Illness and Suffering, Center for Interfaith and Intercultural Studies and Dialogue - University of Buchaest, October 28-29, 2024 (scientific communication presented: The Religious Fundaments of Human Solidarity. Micro and macro-dimensions)
9th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - "Reality and Virtual Space. Philosophical and Theological Approaches", June 23-26, 2024, Vatra-Dornei (Romania) (scientific communication presented: Human being as subject and participant in virtual reality. Ethical and theological challenges)
10th edition of international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Homo religiosus & homo technicus: discontinuities or congruencies?, June 20-21, 2024, Constanța (Romania) (scientific communication presented: Homo religiosus and homo technicus: are new technologies instruments for desacralization of the world?)
International seminar Homo Religiosus and Homo Technicus: Paradigms of Human Action and the Challenges of Globalism, 14 May 2024, Centre for Global Studies, Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb) - Portugal,
9th conference (national edition) Religion, Knowledge, Society - "Integritate și redefinire. Omul în orizontul multidimensional al societății contemporane", November 24, 2023, Constanta, (scientific communication presented: lntegritate versus fragmentare: omul in ritmul cotidian multidimensional)
International conference "Artificial Intelligence and Risk Society: Social, Religious, and Ethical Implications in Contemporary Europe", 22 September, 2023, University of Presov (scientific communication presented: The impossibility of digitizing and technologizing the sacred dimension of life: Artificial Intelligence in the Christian Theological Evaluation)
International symposium "Blasphemy and Religious Insult in the Contemporary World", 12 September, 2023, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization (scientific communication presented: Burning the Holy Coran: a reprehensible local gesture that requires a theological Christian critics)
International conference "Intercultural Dialogue and the Transformation of Borders", June 9-11, 2023, Prešov, Slovakia (scientific communication presented: Reconstructing the Architecture of Religious Diversity: The Significance of Borders in Contemporary Society)
13th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (ESRARC 2023) - Constanța, May 25-27, 2023, Constanta (Romania), (scientific communication presented: Syntheses of Diversity and Ecumenical Evidences of Sacred Art in Constanta)
8th international seminar RKS - Religion, Knowledge, Society - "The Meaning of Life. A phenomenological approach in a fusion of horizons", May 17th-18th, 2023, Pojorâta (Romania), (scientific communication presented: Redefining the Meaning of Life in the Tension of Contemporary Challenges)
Conference "Between nationalism and globalization: continuities, fractures and perspectives in the history of Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present", organized within the framework of the Cluj Academic Days 2022 by the "George Barițiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy and Babeș-Bolyai University through the Centre for Population Studies, 13-15 October 2022, Cluj-Napoca (scientific communication presented:"Repetition as a validation of identity. Religious perspectives")
8th international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY (RKS) - HUMAN BEING IN THE HORIZON OF AUTHENTICITY. Philosophical and religious perspectives, May 10th-11th, 2023, Constanța (Romania), (scientific communication presented: Being Human in Contemporary Society: the Need of Recovery the Authenticity)
International conference "The Challange of Transhumanism to Anthropology and Its Implications for our Understanding of Human Dignity and Rights: Global Perspectives", September 14, 2022, University of Presov, Slovakia (scientific communication presented: Transhumanism and Theosis: two different perspectives on human perfection)
International coloquium "The Future of Imago Dei Theologies in the Context of the New Challenges of Transhumanism: Prelimary Investigations", June 9, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (scientific communication presented: Social and Ideological Transitions and Reconfigurations; Christian Orthodox Theology of Imago Dei versus Transhumanism)
7th International seminar Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) - "The Doctrine of Imago Dei and the New Challenges of Transhumanism. Explorations in Eastern and Western Traditions", 2-5 June, 2022, Vatra-Dornei (scientific communication presented: Ideological approaches of the “new man” in modernity and transhumanism: from where to what? Theological interpretations)
7th International conference Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) "IDENTITIES & BOUNDARIES. Configurations of Religious Diversity in Global Dynamics", 30-31 May, 2022 Constanța (scientific communication presented: Identity and Boundaries as Relational Structures. Perspectives on Religious Diversity)
International Symposium "PRAYER AND WORSHIP IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH. THEIR RELEVANCE FOR POSTMODERN SOCIETY", May 2-3, 2022, Caransebeș (scientific communication presented: Theological reformulations of the confession of Christ in postmodern society: challenges, risks, contextualizations)
International workshop "Sharing Common Values in a Pluralistic World: Constructive Models for Strategic University Cooperation in Religious Studies Domain" - supported by the INTENS-O project, funded by the Romanian Ministry of Education, December 16, 2021.
Conference Polis & Paideia, 3rd edition - „Teologie & teologhisire”, Timișoara, November 29, 2021 (scientific communication presented: Dialogul inter-religios și impulsurile de-absolutizării adevărului: provocări la adresa teologiei creștine contemporane)
International conference MODERNISM, MODERNIZARE, MODERNITATE. PERSPECTIVE ISTORIOGRAFICE ȘI METODOLOGICE, organized by "George Baritiu" Institute of History, Romanian Academy and Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, October 14, 2021 (scientific communication presented: Religie și modernitate: reconfigurări ale morfologiei religioase în societatea pluralistă și seculară)
International Congress - ”Those Who Ferment the Turkish Cultural Heritage: Yunus Emre , Hacı Bektaş Veli, Ahi Evran”, 30 September- 01 October, 2021, Dokuz Eylül University, Turkey (scientific communication presented: One or multiple mystical experiences? Defining mysticism in a comparative perspectives)
National colloquium "Imagini ale graniței, sensuri ale periferiei", organized by Center for Hermeneutics, Phenomenology and Practical Philosophy (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences at the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University in Iasi), September 23-24, 2021 (scientific communication presented: Dincolo de limitele identitare: interpretarea granițelor religioase în dinamica local-global)
6th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities - Philosophy of Being Human as the Core of Interdisciplinary Research, April 22, 2021, organized by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (RUDN), Russia (scientific communication presented: Rethinking human identity „in” and „beyond” borders: de-localization and re-localization of religious cultures in global dynamics)
Webinar Timpul. Perspective filosofice și teologice, March 30, 2021, organizer: Institutul de Istorie “George Baritiu” al Academiei Romane.
6th Interfaith Meeting between Orthodox Christianity - Shia Islam: "The Sacred Places and Religious Life in the Pandemic time", 29 December 2020, organizers: "Al Mustafa" International University (Iran), Center for Interfaith and Intercultural Studies and Dialogue (Romania), (scientific communication presented: Challenges of the pandemic crisis: a new opportunity to reflect on the integrative relationship between science and religion)
Third International Theological Conference "Holiness, Perfection, Theosis: Understanding the 'Measure of the Stature of the Fullness of Christ'", 5-9 December 2020 (scientific communication presented: On Spiritual Path: Understanding Theosis through the Language of Mystical Experience. Comparative Perspective)
15th LUMEN CATES International Scientific Conference, November 27th-28th, 2020, Targoviste, Romania (scientific communications presented: "Religious fundamentalism and the trend of terrorist attacks according to the European Union. Terrorism Situation and Trend Reports (2017-2020)"; "From secularization to desecularization of the world. Current theses and trends")
International conference "Prophetic Teachings: Peace, Co-existence and Reconciliation", University of Karachi, 22-23 February 2020, Karachi, Pakistan (scientific communication presented: Reality of religious pluralism in the global world: tolerance as a mediator between identity and alterity)
International conference "Istoria și scrisul istoric azi", organized by „George Bariţiu” History Institute of Romanian Academy, 2-5 February 2020, Cluj-Napoca (scientific communication presented: Metafizica cunoașterii în gândirea lui Lucian Blaga: reconfigurări filosofice și metodologice)
International conference Current perspectives on the interplay between Philosophy, Ethics and Education, 9 January 2020, Institute of Philosophy, Hanoi, Vietnam (scientific communication presented: Rediscover the existential value of education in contemporary society: challenges and perspectives)
6th Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Fundamentalismul religios: cauze, efecte, soluții, 9 December 2019, Constanta, Romania (scientific communication presented: Dimensiunea transnațională și transculturală a fundamentalismului religios)
Școala de vară LOGOS, ediția a III-a - "Sens & Expresie", 18-22 septembrie 2019, Vatra Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Definiție și negație. Dimensiunea apofatică a limbajului în teologia creștină și Advaita Vedanta)
Annual School of Byzantine Studies - "Stability and Change at the Borders of Byzantium and Beyond", 5th-13th September 2018, Bucharest & Constanta, Romania (scientific communication presented: Byzantine Philosophy: Identity and Continuity of Greek Thought and Patristic Theology)
International Conference of the Doctoral School of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, 2nd edition "New Trends and Methods in Social Sciences and Humanities", July 12, 2019, Iasi, Romania
5th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Conceptions of Freedom in a 'Post-Truth' World: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives, 1-3 July 2019, Constanta, Romania (scientific communication presented: Theology, Spirituality, Philosophy: for integrative vision of freedom and truth in an era of fragmentation)
The Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, 3rd edition, 12-14 June 2019, Constanta, Romania (Panel III - "Tolerance or Fundamentalism? How We Can Use Religions for a Reconciliation Process")
International workshop of the Project University of Žilina Enhancing Quality of Education based on Internationalization” (004ŽU-2/2016), 28-31 May 2019, Slovakia
International Symposium Comuniune şi comunităţi: jertfă, slujire, spiritualitate", 6-7 May 2019, Caransebes, Romania (scientific communication presented: Identitatea creștină și realitatea pluralismului contemporan: redimensionări ale comunitații umane sub aspect religios)
6th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY – Religious Discourse in Contemporary Society, 23-25 November 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Congruence between Theology and Spirituality in Religious Discourse)
International Conference 5th Round of Shi`a – Romanian Orthodox Church Interfaith Dialogue, 16-21 November 2018, Al Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran (scientific communication presented: The Geometry of Sacred in Orthodox Christianity Icon: Synthesis of Identity and Unity)
International Conference Theology in Modern Educational and Academic Space, RUDN University, Moscow, November 1-2, 2018 (scientific communication presented: Facing the Contemporary Global Challenges: Relevance of Orthodox Theology in Romanian Academic Space)
Colocviul National al Centrului de Hermeneutica, Fenomenologie și Filosofie Practica RESCRIERI ALE TRADITIEI IDENTITATI SI UZURI HERMENEUTICE, Editia a X-a, lași, 1 November 2018, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași, Faculty of Philosophy and Socila-Political Sciences (scientific communication presented: Orient și Occident: Structuri identitare ale traditiei în orizontul filosofico-religios)
International Symposium Teologia ortodoxă românească la Centenar, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași, Faculty of Theology, 23-25 October 2018 (scientific communication presented: Teologie si dialog. Structuri de reprezentare ale identitatii religioase);
Summer School LOGOS, Edition II: Time and Memory, 18-21 September, 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Timp și mântuire. Versiuni religioase ale temporalității)
5th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Spirituality as an Antidote to Violence, July 5th - 6th, 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Religious Violence as a Major Challenge for Contemporary Globalized World: Genuine Spirituality as a Counter-measure to Radical Attitudes)
International Summer School GNOSIS, 1st edition: SPIRITUALITY versus SPIRITUALITIES: Criteria for an Axiological Perspective, 24-28 June 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Spirituality and Religion. A critical approach to fragmentation of traditional spirituality in new religious movements).
4th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Tradition and Modernity. Religion in Contemporary Dynamics, 21-23 June 2018, Vatra-Dornei (scientific communication presented: Rethinking Value of Religion in Tradition and Modenity).
4th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Identity and Alterity. Religion in the Global Society, 18-19 June 2018, Constanta (scientific communication presented: Identity and Alterity. Rethinking Religious Pluralism from a Theological Perspective)
ERASMUS Lecture Religious Radicalism: Sourse of Religious Conflicts, presented at Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russia), 6 June 2018.
International conference Herman Cohen in History of Russian Philosophy, 4-5 June 2018, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russia), (scientific communication presented: Experience in Neokantism and Advaita. Comparative Perspective between Hermann Cohen and Sankara).
Anual Conference of International Society "TOMA DE AQUINO", Romanian Branch, 11-12 May 2018, Bucharest (scientific communication presented: Structura relațională dintre identitate și alteritate. O perspectivă teologică).
ERASMUS Lecture Romanian Orthodox Churh: History, Spirituality and Contemporary Challenges, presented at University of Žilina - Faculty of Humanities (Slovakia) , 5 March 2018.
ERASMUS Lecture Religious Identities in the Global Society. Conceptualization of Interreligious Dialogue Paradigms, presented at Faculty of Humanities, The Benedict XVI Endowed Chair of Religious, Cultural, and Philosophical Studies, Notre Dame University-Louaize (Lebanon), 27 April 2018.
ERASMUS Lecture Contemporary Challenges for Interreligious Dialogue. Romanian Context, presented at Faculty of Humanities, The Benedict XVI Endowed Chair of Religious, Cultural, and Philosophical Studies, Notre Dame University-Louaize (Lebanon), 28 April 2018.
14th Annual International Scientific Conference Marketing Identity, 7-8 November, 2017, University of Tarnava (Slovakia), (scientific communication presented: Digital Culture versus Religious Culture: Convergences and Challenges);
International Symposium Icoană și mărturisire în viața Bisericii, 23-24 October, 2017, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: A fi creștin astăzi: mărturisire și identitate creștină într-o societatea plurireligioasă);
International Symposium Patrimoniul cultural religios naţional şi european: legislaţie şi jurisprudenţă, 5-6 October, 2017, Iasi (scientific communication presented: Cultural and religious identity in Europe: legislative framework of religious freedom);
The Fourth Interfaith and Intercultural Christian-Islamic Symposium “The Importance of Pilgrimages and Religious Visits for the Dialogue between Religions and Cultures Nowadays”, 5-6 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania;
International Conference PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGY, ETHICS: Global and Local Challenges of the Interaction of Natural and Human Sciences - Zilina University in Zilina, September 21-23, 2017, Slovakia (scientific communication presented: Rethinking the Relation between Theology and Science in a Secular Society: the Ethical and Reconciliatory Dimension of the “Neo-Patristic Synthesis”);
Summer School LOGOS, Edition I: Translation, exegesis, interpretation, 15-20 September, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Orient și Occident: dificultăți interpretative ale conceptelor teologice și filosofice);
3rd International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Human Person and the Challenges of Secularization, 22-25 June, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Identity and Communion: Human Person in the Horizon of Orthodox Theology);
3rd International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Religion in a Secular Society. Challenges and Perspectives, 19-20 June, 2017, Constanta, Romania (scientific communication presented: Religion in a Secular Society: A Crisis of Values in a Pluralistic World);
International conference ЧЕЛОВЕКИ ОБЩЕСТВО В КОНТЕКСТЕ СОВРЕМЕННОСТИ (ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ ПАМЯТИ ПРОФЕССОРА П.К. ГРЕЧКО) - Human Society in The Context of Contemporary (Philosophical Readings in Memory of Professor P.K. Grechko), June 14, 2017, Moscow, Russia (scientific communication presented: Religion in a secular society: traditional religions facing new religiosity);
2nd International Conference & Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, 31 October - 6 November, 2016, Constanța, Sinaia, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Knowledge and Transcendence: A Comparative Perspective between Orthodox Theology and Advaita Vedanta);
9th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation, 18-19 May, 2017, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Religious Identities in the Global Society. Conceptualization of Interreligious Dialogue Paradigms in the Dynamics of Globalization);
Sesiunea de comunicări științifice Valorile creștine în Europa: trecut, prezent, viitor, 18 May, 2017, Iași, Faculty of Theology, "Al. I. Cuza" University from Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Radicalismul religios în Europa Contemporană: provocările unui fenomen în expansiune);
Conferința anuală a Societății Internaționale Toma de Aquino, Filiala Română Despre Bunătate. Abordări filosofice, teologice și interdisciplinare, 12-13 May, 2017, University of Bucharest, Romania (scientific communication presented: Fenomenologia religioasă a bunătății în experiența religioasă ascetică. O perspectivă comparativă între creștinism și religiile orientale);
8th LUMEN International Conference RSACVP 2017, 6-9 April, 2017, Suceava, Romania (scientific communication presented: Defining the Indefinable: the hermeneutics of upanishadic negation neti, neti in Sankara`s apophatic theology);
8th LUMEN International Conference RSACVP 2017, 6-9 April, 2017, Suceava, Romania (scientific communication presented: Monism and Non-dualism in Western and Eastern Philosophical Understanding: Conceptual Correspondences and Differences);
International Seminar Secular Humanism, Religion and Dialogue. Search for Transcendence and Transparency for the Common Good, 20-24 January, 2017, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India (scientific communication presented: Interreligious Dialogue facing Secular Ideologies: Challenges for Understanding the Religious Values in Contemporary Society);
International Symposium Educație și mărturisire. Formarea creștină a tinerilor în spiritul viu al Tradiției, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, 13-16 November 2016 (cientific communication presented: Educația religioasă versus îndoctrinare religioasă: delimitări axiologice în orizontul societății plurireligioase);
International Conference Religious Education between Radicalization and Tolerance, 21-23 October, 2016, Bucharest, Romania;
International Conference Governing for the Future. Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Sustainable World, 9-12 June, 2016, Bucharest, Romania (scientific communication presented: The interaction of religions in a multicultural society: the challenge of radicalization for the democratic values of European Union);
1st International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge and Spirituality. Religious Dimension of Man in the Horizon of Contemporary Challenges, 4-6 June 2016, Gura Humorului, Romania (scientific communication presented: Knowledge in Orthodox Theology and Advaita Vedanta: Critical Remarks);
1st International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in a Pluralistic World. Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, 1-2 June, Constanta, Romania (scientific communication presented: For a New Culture of Dialogue in 21st century);
8th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation, 28-28 May 2016, Viterbo, Italy (scientific communication presented: Dobrudjan Sacred Art - Synthesis of Multicultural Identity and Dialog between East and West);
The 3th Interreligious Dialogue Between Shia Islam and Orthodox Christianity of Romania, 13-20 May 2016, Al Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran (scientific communication presented: Correspondence of Identity and Otherness in a Pluralistic Society: Love and Peace as Norms for Maximizing the Interreligious Dialogue);
BSU Colloquium for Global Philosophy and Religion: "Difference and Identity: East and West", 9th-30th April, 2016, Bath Spa Newton Park Campus, UK (scientific communication presented: The Meaning of Identity and Difference in Vedantic Non-dualism. Inapplicability of Bhedabheda Philosophy to Ultimate Reality as Ekam-eva-advityam);
International Symposium Teologie și Pedagogie. Identitate specifică și responsabilitate comună în actul educației, 12-14 May, 2016, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Educația religioasă ca edificare a umanului în orizontul interreligios);
International Conference Megatrends & Media 2016. Critique in Media, Critique of Media, 19-20 Aprilie 2016, Trnava, Slovakya (scientific communication presented: Identity and Alterity in Interreligious and Intercultural Dynamics: The Role of Media in a Globalized Society);
World Lumen Congress 2016. 15th Anniversary Edition: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 12-17 Aprilie, 2016, Iași (scientific communication presented: Religion and Athesm in Postmodernism: New-Paganism as an Epistemological Derivation in Redefining the Sacred);
World Lumen Congress 2016. 15th Anniversary Edition: Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty, 12-17 Aprilie, 2016, Iași (scientific communication presented: Rethinking Traditional Religion in Postmodern Condition: There Is an Axiological Validity of New Religiosity in XXI Century?);
International Conference Religion, The Sacred and Hospitality, 4-5 March 2016, University of Bucharest, Romania (scientific communication presented: The Hospitality in the Horizon of Spirituality: The Synthesis of Romanian Spirit as a Point of Religious and Cultural Convergence between East and West);
Congresul internațional Pregătim viitorul promovând excelența, Secțiunea Interdisciplinaritate în științele socio-umane, 3-5 March, 2016, Universitatea "Apollonia" din Iași (scientific communication presented: Comunicarea interreligioasă - factor de stabilitate și evitate a radicalismului într-o societate pluralistă);
Congresul internațional Pregătim viitorul promovând excelența, Secțiunea Interdisciplinaritate în științele socio-umane, 3-5 March, 2016, Universitatea "Apollonia" din Iași (scientific communication presented: Interpretare și noutate în discursul teologic. Criterii de reevaluare a dogmelor creștine);
International conference The concept of transcendence and immanence in Philosophy and Theology, Ovidius University of Constanța, March 3, 2016 (scientific communication presented: Relația epistemică dintre limbaj și transcendență în filosofia non-dualismului vedantin. Repere pentru o cunoaștere apofatică a Realității Ultime);
3rd International Conference Distance Learning Environments, Developments, Experiences, 20-21 December, 2015, Beni-Suef University (Egypt) in Collaboration with Association of Arab Universities (AARU) (scientific communication presented: Religious Education in Global Society: Challenges and Solutions);
International Conference The Quest for Peaceful Interfaith Co-Existence, November 24-25, Islamabad, Pakistan (scientific communication presented: Identity and Altery in Interreligious Dialogue. A Christian Perspective);
The International Seminar The Role of Spirituality in Promoting Reconciliation, August 17-23, 2015 Constanta, Romania, A Cooperation with Romanian Academy (Iasi Branch) and Bretanion Institute, (scientific communication presented: The Reconciliatory Dimension of Romanian Spirituality in Thinking of Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae);
International Conference Philosophy Emerging from Cultural Traditions and Its Role in a Global Age, June 13-14, 2015, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Identity and Otherness in the Horizon of Globalization: The Role of Religion in the Interaction of Cultural Traditions);
International Conference LUMEN Humanities and Social Sciences Today. Classical and Contemporary Issues, 7-10 May 2015, Suceava, (scientific communication presented: Epistemological Function of Negation in the Philosophy of Vedantic Non-Dualism and Orthodox Theology);
International Conference Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue. Eastern and Western Perspective, Constanța, 8-9 December 2014 (scientific communication presented: The Hermeneutics of "End of Metaphysics" and "Death of God": Orthodox Theology in Condition of Postmodernist Deconstruction);
International Symposium Sfânta Spovedanie și Sfânta Împărtășanie - Taine fundamentale ale vieții spirituale, 10-11 November, Vatra-Dornei, Romania (scientific communication presented: Creștinismul și religiile de mistere. Considerații critice asupra importanței Împărtășaniei în cultul mithraic);
International Seminar Free Society and It`s Core Values, coordinated by Prof. Dr. John Farina (George Mason University, Washington, DC) and William Saunders (American United for Life, Washington, DC), 26 June/5 July, 2014, Iași/Vatra-Dornei;
10th World Congress of International Society for Universal Dialogue: "The Human Being: its Nature and Functions", 4-9 July, 2014, Craiova, Romania (scientific communication presented: Meaning of Knowledge in Advaita Vedanta and Orthodox Theology: Correspondences and Differences);
International Conference Values and Identity in the World of Today, June 21-22, 2014, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Religious Identity and Desacralization: Challenges of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in the World of Today);
International Conference Religion and Relations between Culture: Peace beyond Violence, May 20-21, 2014, Sivas, Turkey (scientific communication presented: Desacralization and Religious Identity: Challenge of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Overcoming Violence and Affirmation of Peace);
23rd World Congress of Philosophy: Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life, 4–10 August 2013, University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Greece (scientific communication presented: Defining the Indefinable: The Hermeneutics of the Upanishadic Negation neti, neti in Sankara’s Apophatic Theology);
International Conference Culture and Philosophy as Ways of Life in Times of Global Change, August 1–3, 2013, University of Athens, Greece (scientific communication presented: Advaita Vedānta and Orthodox Theology – Two Philosophical Typologies of Rethinking Man in the Dynamics of Religious Pluralism and Globalization. A Comparative Perspective);
International Conference Philosophy and Crisis: Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, July 28–30, 2013, University of Ioannina, Greece (scientific communication presented: From Old Age to New Age: Eastern Monism as a Reaction to the Ecological Crisis of the West);
International Symposium "Dumitru Stăniloae", second edition Comuniune euharistică şi trăire filocalică, 15 - 17 May 2014, Iaşi (scientific communication presented: Experienţa filocalică a îndumnezeirii şi experienţa advaitică a nondualităţtii: definiţia spiritualităţii in orizontul dialogului interreligios);
International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, ediția a V-a, 27-28 May 2013, M-rea Neamț (scientific communication presented: Provocările dialogului interreligios între teologia creștina și Advaita-Vedānta)
Cercul de Istoria și Filosofia Religiilor "Mitropolit Irineu Mihălcescu", Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloae”, A. I. Cuza University from Iași, Sesion I - 22 ianuarie 2013 (scientific communication presented: Provocări metodologice in studiul religiilor orientale);
International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, ediția a IV-a, 8-9 mai 2012 - Mănăstirea Putna, (scientific communication presented: Transcendența lui Brahman tyad (Celălalt”. Repere hermeneutice ale lui Śaṅkara la Bṛhadāraṇyaka-Upaniṣad III.9.9);
International Symposium Tainele Bisericii - pelerinaj spre sfinţenie, 16-18 octombrie 2011, Iasi, Romania;
International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, ediția a III-a, 16-17 mai 2011, Iași, Romania (scientific communication presented: Brahman ekam-eva-advitīyam - premiza non-dualismului vedāntin);
International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, ediția a II-a, 13-14 decembrie 2010, (scientific communication presented: Non-dualismul vedāntin: paradigma Absolutului nediferențiat in gândirea lui Śaṅkara);
International Symposium Simbolul de credință niceo-constantinopolitan - sinteză a învățăturii creștine și temei al spiritualității noastre, 2-3 November 2010, Vatra-Dornei, (scientific communication presented: Regula fidei și deconstrucția învățăturii de credință. Simbolul niceo-constantinopolitan în condiția postmodernismului);
International Symposium Anul omagial al Crezului Ortodox şi al Autocefaliei Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, 15-16 octombrie 2010, (scientific communication presented: Teologia Simbolului de Credință și paradigma creștinismului postmodernist);
Ecumenical Scientific Session: 7-9 Mai 1999-2009. 10 ani de speranță, organized by Institutul Teologic Romano-Catolic Franciscan din Roman, 24 November 2009, Iași, Romania;
International Symposium Studia Theologica Doctoralia, ediția I, 8-9 December 2009 (scientific communication presented: Teologia și discursul teologic în Cele 5 cuvântări teologice ale Sfântului Grigorie de Nazianz).
Dura, Ioan, Dialog, toleranță, libertate. Configurații ale religiei în tranziția de la secularizare la pluralizare, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2022, 214 p. ISBN 978‐606‐37‐1379‐8
Dura, I., Non-dualismul vedantin. Metafizică și mistică in gândirea lui Śaṅkara (Vedantic Non-dualism: Metaphysics and Mysticism in the Thought of Sankara), Editura Astra Museum, Sibiu, 2015, 583 p., ISBN: 978-606-733-068-7
Sava, V., Damian, C.I., Dura, I., Pelin, C., (Eds.), Studia Theologica Doctoralia II, Junimea, Iași, 2011. ISBN 978-97337-1525-2
Sava, V., Dura, I., Onica, C., Atudori, A., (Eds.), Studia Theologica Doctoralia III, Doxologia, Iași, 2011. ISBN 978-606-8278-52-0
Dura, I., (Ed.), Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, Astra Museum, Sibiu, 2018. ISBN 978-606-733-242-1
Dura, I., Petrescu, T., (Eds.), Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue. Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, Astra Museum, Sibiu, 2018. ISBN 978-606-733-241-4
Dura, I., Rashid, A., (Eds.), Identity and Dialogue. Religious and Philosophical Studies, University of Karachi, 2021. ISBN: 978-969-8423-32-2
Dura, I., (Ed.), Freedom and Truth. Religious and Philosophical Approaches, University of Karachi, 2021. ISBN: 978-969-8423-33-9
Luca Lanteri, Iulian Rusu, Ioan Dura and Claudia Pelosi, "The potentiality of non-invasive diagnostics for the investigation of a Renaissance religious wall painting", European Journal of Science and Theology, Vol. 20. Nr. 5, 2024, pp. 133-146, ISSN 1841-0464, WOS: 001335681100010
Dura, I., "Beyond the Boundaries of Identity: Interpreting Religious Boundaries in Local-Global Dynamics", in Hermeneia, No. 27 (2021), pp. 69-78, WOS:000723703600005
Dura, I., "Digital Culture versus Religious Culture: Convergences and Challenges", in Marketing Identity. Online rules – part I, Dana Petranová, Rudolf Rybanský, Dáša Mendelová (eds.), Conference Proceedings from International Scientitic Conference 7th – 8th November 2017, Faculty of Mass Media Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia, pp. 71-76, ISBN 978-80-8105-917-9, ISSN 1339-5726, WOS:000461539600006
Dura, I., Chiriluță, B., Ciobanu, N., "Religious Identities in the Global Society. Conceptualization of Interreligious Dialogue Paradigms in the Dynamics of Globalization", 9th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation, Edited by Iulian Rusu, Kermes Book, Torino, 2017, pp. 40-43, ISSN 2532-4381 ISBN 978-88-94206-44-9, WOS:000409307900008
Dura, I., Chiriluță, B., "Rethinking Traditional Religion in the Postmodern Condition: There is Any Axiological Validity of New Religiosity in the 21st Century?", The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Antonio Sandu, Tomiță Ciulei, Ana Frunză (Eds.), Future Academy, 2016, pp. 323-329, ISSN 2357-1330, WOS:000390912200042
Dura, I., Chiriluță, B., "The interaction of religions in a multicultural society: the challenge of radicalization for the democratic values of European Union", International Political Science Conference. Governing for the Future: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Sustainable World, June 9-12, 2016, Bucharest (Romania), Andrei Tăranu (Ed.), Medimond Publishing Company, Bologna, 2016, pp. 137-142, ISBN 978-88-7587-731-6, WOS:000391654100018
Dura, I., "Language, Definition and Transcendence in the Philosophy of Vedantic Non-Dualism. Landmarks for an Aphophatic Knowledge of the Ultimate Reality", Dialogo. Proceedings of the Conferences on the Dialogue between Science and Theology, Volume 2, Issue 2, March 2016, pp. 100-110 ISSN-L 2392-9928 ISBN 978-80-554-1208-5, WOS:000399028600009
Damian, C.I., Ghețu, M., Dura, I., Astărăstoae, V., “The Quranic instrumentalization of suffering”, European Journal of Science and Theology, Vol. 12, No. 4, 2016, pp. 239-251 ISSN 1841-0464, WOS:000454677100023
Petrescu, T., Chiriluță, B., Dura, I., "Dobrudjan Sacred Art - Synthesis of Multicultural Identity and Dialog between East and West", ESRARC 2016. 8th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation. Proceedings book, Claudia Pelosi, Giorgia Agresti, Luca Lanteri and Cetty Parisi (Eds.), Kermesquaderni, 2016, pp. 18-20 ISBN 978-88-404-4377-5 ISSN 2036-1122, WOS:000389900500002
Dura, I., Chiriluță, B.,"The Philokalic Experience of Deification (Theosis) and the Advaitic Experience of Non-Duality (Brahmanubhava): A Definition of Spirituality in the Horizon of the Interreligious Dialogue", European Journal of Science and Theology, Vol. 11, No. 4 (2015), pp. 169-178 ISSN 1841-0464, WOS:000440405800016
Dura, I., Chiriluță, B.,"Negation and Knowledge: Apophatism as a Premise of the Mystical Experience in the Philosophy of the Vedantic Non-Dualism and Orthodox Theology", European Journal of Science and Theology, Vol. 11. Nr. 5, 2015, pp. 33-44, ISSN 1841-0464, WOS:000440409600004
SCOPUS / ERIH PLUS / CEEOL & other international data bases
Dura, I., "The Symmetry between Tolerance and Freedom - Theories and Applications in the Dynamics of Increasing Religious Diversity", in Journal For Freedom of Conscience, , Vol. 11, No. 3 (2023), pp. 220-240 (indexed: ERIH PLUS)
Dura, I., Dinoiu, B., Besliu,, Ciobotaru, I., D., "A possible theological-philosophical architecture of interfaith dialogue between Christianity and Hinduism", in Romanian Journal of Indian Studies, No. 7, 2023, pp. 53-68 (indexed: CEEOL).
Dura, I., Lazar, S., Partebuna, I., Dinoiu, B., Besliu, D., "Human being in the metamorphosis of contemporary ideologies: Orthodox Christian references for authenticity", in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Teologie Ortodoxă, Tomul XXVIII/1, 2023, pp. 29-42, DOI: 10.47743/ASTO.2023.28.1.3 (indexed: CEEOL).
Dura, I., "The paradigm of dialogical identity as a way of overcoming the interreligious conflicts", in Iḥyāʾalʿulūm,Vol. 22, Issue. 2 July-Dec 2022, pp. 38-44 (indexed: Australian Library Index, Islamic Research Index).
Dura, I., Apostu, I., Lazăr, A., Partebună, I., "Mapping religious conflicts in contemporary world: causes, trends and solutions", in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi (Serie Nouă). Teologie Ortodoxă, Tom. XXVII, No. 1 (2022), pp. 113-126 (indexed: CEEOL)
Dura, I., Ene, I., Hera, A., Pana, I., Stoica, M., "Nothingness: A philosophical reconsideration to the meaning of negation and reality", in XLinguae, Volume 15 Issue 1 (2022), pp. 23-29, ISSN 1337-8384, eISSN 2453-711X, DOI: 10.18355/XL.2022.15.01.03 (indexed: SCOPUS)
Dura, I., "Reontologization of Religious Identity in the Liquid and Global World", in Scientific Annals of „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi (New Series). Sociology and Social Work, Tom XIV, No.2, 2021, pp. 79-96. ISSN: 2066-8961, DOI: (indexed: ERIH PLUS)
Dura, I., "Religie și modernitate: reconfigurări ale morfologiei religioase în societatea pluralistă si seculară", in Tradiție și modernizare în filosofia românească în secolul XX, Mihaela Gligor (Ed.), Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2021, pp. 47-70. ISBN 978-606-37-1223-4 (indexed: CEEOL)
DURA, Ioan, Ion Constantin ENE, Andrei HERA, Ion Cosmin PANĂ, Aureliu VOICU, Ion APOSTU, "Rethinking Relations between Religions in a Polarized World: Principles of Interreligious Dialogue according to Leonard Swidler", in Iḥyāʾalʿulūm - Journal of Department of Quran O Sunnah, Volume 21, Issue 1 (Jan-June 2021), pp. 15-24 (indexed: Australian Library Index, Islamic Research Index).
Dura, I., Pana, I., Ene, I., Hera, A., Voicu, A., "On the Dubious Relationship between Fundamentalism and Terrorism", in Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2021), pp. 85-98 (indexed: Erih Plus)
Dura I., Mihălescu I., Frățilă M., Cîrceie V., Borcan R., „Rethinking the Integrative Dimension of Theology with Science: Syntheses and Congruences”, in RUDN Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2021), pp. 121-129, DOI: (indexed: SCOPUS)
Dura, I, Borcan, R., Lazar, S., Pandele, P., Apostu, I., "Identity and Continuity: Sources of Byzantine Philosophy in Patristic Theology", in Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi (Serie Nouă). Teologie Ortodoxă, Tom. XXV, No. 2 (2020), pp. 121-128 (indexed: CEEOL)
Valčo, M., Valcova, K., Šturák, P., Zozulak, J., Dura, I., "Socialny trinitarianizmus vo svetle lutherovych dorazov v uceni o trojici", in Historia Ecclesiastica, X, 2019, 1, pp. 176-192 (indexed: SCOPUS)
Dura, I., "Defining the Indefinable: The Hermeneutics of the Upanishadic Negation neti, neti in Sankara’s Apophatic Theology", in Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy, Vol. 16: Indian Philosophies, Konstantinos Boudouris, Editor-in-Chief, Philosophy Documentation Center, Charlottesville, Virginia (USA), 2018, pp. 89-94, DOI: 10.5840/wcp23201816576, ISBN-13: 978-1-63435-038-9 ISBN-10: 1-63435-038-3. (indexed: EBSCO Discover, PhilPapers, ProQuest Summon, WorldCat Local)
Dura, I., “Reality in Advaita Vedānta: pāramārthika, vyāvahārika, prātibhāsika. A Phenomenological Approach”, in Romanian Journal for Indian Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2017, pp. 80-99. ISSN 2601 – 064X (indexed: CEEOL)
Dura, Ioan, "Virtual și real. Repere pentru o hermeneutică filosofico-teologică", in Fenomenologia lumilor intermediare. Treceri și portaluri în spaţiul virtual, George Bondor, Ioan Mateiciuc (coordonatori), Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, Iași, 2024, ISBN 978-606-714-867-1, pp. 77-96.
Dura Ioan, Crețu Roxana, „Reality of Religious Pluralism in the Global World: Tolerance as a Mediator between Identity and Alterity”, in International Seerah Conference (ISC) 2020. Prophetic Teachings: Peace, Co-existence and Reconciliation, University of Karachi, 2021, pp. 37-45. ISBN 978-969-8423-31-5
Dura, I., Crețu, M.R., "Rediscover the existential value of education in contemporary society: challenges and perspectives", in Current perspectives on the interplay between Philosophy, Ethics and Education, Institute of Philosophy, Hanoi, 2019, pp. 17-31.
Dura, I., "Orthodox Theology in Romania Academia under Globalization", in Theology in the Modern Educational and Scientific Space (Materials of the International Symposium, Moscow, RUDN, November 1, 2018), Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, 2018, pp. 57-59, 144-149, ISBN 978-5-209-09225-4
Dura, I., "Preface: Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Theological Perspective", in KNOWLEDGE, REALITY, TRANSCENDENCE. A Dialogue between East and West. Proceedings Book of 2nd International Conference “Religion, Knowledge, Society” (RKS), Astra Museum, Sibiu, 2018, ISBN 978-606-733-242-1, pp. 5-9.
Dura, I., Petrescu, T., "Preface: The Relevance of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Contemporary World", in INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE IN A PLURALISTIC WORLD. PHILOSOPHICAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES. Proceedings Book of 1st International Conference “Religion, Knowledge, Society” (RKS), Astra Museum, Sibiu, 2018, ISBN 978-606-733-241-4, pp. 5-9.
Dura, I., “Requesting a New Culture of Dialogue in the 21st Century: Romanian Orthodox Church in the Dynamics of Interreligious Dialogue”, in The Role of Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue in the Contemporary World, Nicolae Achimescu and Mohsen Malek Afzali (Eds.), Al-Mustafa International Translation and Publication Center, 2017, Qom, pp. 143-151. ISBN 978-600-429-196-5
Dura, I., Damian, C. I., "From Old Age to New Age: Eastern Monism as a Reaction to the Ecological Crisis of the West", in Philosophy and Crisis. Responding to Challenges to Ways of Life in the Contemporary World, Volume 1, (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change, Series IV, Western Philosophical Studies, Volume 11), Golfo Maggini, Vasiliki P. Solomou-Papanikolaou, Helen Karabatzaki, Konstantinos D. Koskeridis (Eds.), Council for Research in Values & Philosophy, Washington, 2017, pp. 379-388, ISBN 9781565183292
Dura, I., "The Exercise of Religious Freedom in the Horizon of Pluralistic Society. Identity and Alterity in Interreligious Dialogue", in Moștenirea brâncovenească. Valori mărturisitoare ale Ortodoxiei și culturii românești, Prof. univ. dr. Răzvan Ionescu, Pr. conf. univ. dr. Dănuț Popovici (Coord.), Editura Didactică și Pedagogică R.A., București, 2014, pp. 257-267, ISBN 978-973-30-3737-8
Dura, I., "Education in a Pluri-Religious and Secular Context: Interreligious Dialogue as a Basis for a Good Cohabitation”, in Educația religioasă in context european, Pr. conf. univ. dr. Dănuț Popovici (Coord.), Editura Didactică și Pedagogică R.A., București, 2014, pp. 288-292, ISBN 978-973-30-3736-1
Dura, I., "Provocările dialogului interreligios între teologia creștina și Advaita-Vedānta", in Studia Theologica Doctoralia V, Pr. prof. dr. Viorel Sava și Prof. Dr. Pablo Argarate (coordonatori), Editura Masterprint, Iași 2013, pp. 206-221, ISSN 2344-5289
Dura, I., "Transcendența lui Brahman tyad („Celălalt”). Repere hermeneutice ale lui Śaṅkara la Bṛhadāraṇyaka-Upaniṣad III.9.9", in Studia Theologica Doctoralia IV, Pr. prof. dr. Viorel Sava (coordonator), Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2012, pp. 203-224, 2012, ISBN 978-973-702-830-3, ISBN 978-606-666-008-2
Dura, I., "Brahman ekam-eva-advitīyam - premiza non-dualismului vedāntin", in Studia Theologica Doctoralia III, Pr. prof. dr. Viorel Sava, Drd. Ioan Dura, Drd. Cristian Onica, Drd. Andrei Atudori (coordonatori), Editura Doxologia, Iași, 2011, pp. 207-221. ISBN 978-606-8278-52-0
Dura, I., "Non-dualismul vedāntin: paradigma Absolutului nediferențiat in gândirea lui Śaṅkara", in Studia Theologica Doctoralia II, Pr. prof. dr. Viorel Sava, Prep. drd. Constantin-Iulian Damian, Drd. Ioan Dura (coordonatori), Editura Junimea, Iași, 2011, pp. 215-234. ISBN 978-97337-1525-2
Dura, I., "Teologia Simbolului de Credință și paradigma creștinismului postmodernist", in Autocefalia Bisericii și Mărturisirea Credinței, Pr. prof. dr. Viorel Sava și Pr. lect. dr. Ilie Melniciuc-Puică (coordonatori), Doxologia, Iași, 2011, pp. 314-332. ISBN 978-606-8117-99-7
CHAPTERS / STUDIES IN VOLUMES / BOOKS (Turkey, Portugal, Romania)
Dura, I., "Tinerii și provocările contemporane", in Cronici filocalice. Volum omagial ASCOR, Basilica, București, 2024, pp. 201-204, ISBN: 978-606-29-0544-6
Dura, I., "Mystical experience and cultural identity", in Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Ilahiya Fakultesi Dergisi, Izmir - Aralik, 2021, pp. 889-891, ISSN: 1303-3344, e-ISSN: 2717-8986
Dura, I., "Arhitect al analizei teologice în orizontul studiului religiilor orientale", in Adevăr, Mărturusire, Dialog. In Memoriam Pr. Prof. Univ. Nicolae Achimescu, Doxologia / Cuvântul Vieții, 2022, pp. 137-144
Dura, I., "Un reper de autenticitate umană, episcopală și profesorală", in 20 de ani de arhierie pe pământ apostolic. Arhiepiscopul Teodosie, Părintele nostru, Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomisului, Constanța, 2021, pp. 412-424. ISBN 978-606-8870-55-7
Dura, I., "Dialogo inter-religioso", in RESSUSGIR. 40 perguntas sobre a pandemia, Paulinas Editora, 2020, pp. 199-203. ISBN 978-989-673-748-1
Dura, I., "Paradigma celor «doi Brahmani» (nirguṇa și saguṇa) in gândirea lui Śaṅkara", in Omagiu domnului profesor universitar dr. Remus Rus, Nicolae Achimescu (Coord.), Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, pp. 445-472. ISBN 978-973-595-460-4
Dura, I., "Teologia și discursul teologic in Cele 5 cuvântări teologice ale Sfântului Grigorie de Nazianz", in Studia Theologica Doctoralia I, Editura Tehnopress, Iași, 2010, pp. 33-46. ISBN 978-973-702-842-6
Dura, I., "Gnoseologia teologică la Sfântul Grigorie de Nazianz", in Adversus Haeresis. Filozofie creștină și dialog cultural, volumul IV, Tudor Ghideanu (coord.), Editura Lumen, Iași 2010, pp. 482-505. ISBN 978-973-166-247-3
Dura, I., "Ādi Śankaracarya – o referință in istoria filosofiei indiene", in Theologia Pontica, VI (2013), No 1-2, pp. 202-211, ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Metafizica celor «Patru Sferturi» ale lui Brahman in Maitreyī-Upaniṣad VII.11 - de la nemanifestat la manifestat", in Theologia Pontica, V (2012), No 1-2, (B.E.M. și noua deschidere ecumenică), pp. 132-144. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Precizări conceptuale ale termenului Brahman in gândirea lui Śaṅkara", in Theologia Pontica, IV (2011), No 3-4, (Secularizare și Religie), pp. 126-148. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Coordonate epistemologice in Advaita Vedānta: pāramārthika - vyāvahārika și parā-vidyā - aparā-vidyā in perspectiva śaṅkariană asupra Absolutului", in Theologia Pontica, IV (2011), No 1-2, (Familia creștină), pp. 84-95. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Māyā: caracterul iluzoriu al lumii in Advaita Vedānta", in Theologia Pontica, III (2010), No 3-4, (In memoriam: Părintele Arhidiacon Petre I. David), pp. 17-33. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Brahman Ekamevādvitīyam: The Unifferentiated Absolute in Advaita Vedānta", in Theologia Pontica, III (2010), No 1-2, (Dialog creștin și interculturalitate), pp. 112-119. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Regula fidei și deconstrucția învățăturii de credință. Simbolul niceo-constantinopolitan in condiția postmodernismului", in Theologia Pontica, III (2010), No 1-2, (Dialog creștin și interculturalitate), pp. 81-95. ISSN 1844-2870
Dura, I., "Configurația divinului în Budism", in Theologia Pontica, II (2009), No 2-4, (Sfântul Vasile cel Mare și actualitatea teologiei capadociene), pp. 364-375. ISSN 1844-2870
10th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Distance and proximity: dimensions and opportunities of inter-religious encounters, October 31st, 2024, Frumosu, Suceava (Romania)
The Role of Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Promoting Hope and Solidarity Confronted with Illness and Suffering, Center for Interfaith and Intercultural Studies and Dialogue - University of Buchaest, October 28-29, 2024
9th edition of international seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - "Reality and Virtual Space. Philosophical and Theological Approaches", June 23-26, 2024, Vatra-Dornei (Romania)
10th edition of international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Homo religiosus & homo technicus: discontinuities or congruencies?, June 20-21, 2024, Constanța (Romania)
International conferences Religion, culture and society: South-Africa experience and A Fatherless South Africa: The Role and Calling of the Church, invited speaker: Prof. Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks, North-West University, South Africa, 22 May 2024, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta
International seminar Homo Religiosus and Homo Technicus: Paradigms of Human Action and the Challenges of Globalism, 14 May 2024, Centre for Global Studies, Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb) - Portugal,
International seminar Homo Religiosus and Homo Technicus: Paradigms of Human Action and the Challenges of Globalism, 14 May 2024, Centre for Global Studies, Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb) - Portugal,
International conference "Artificial Intelligence and Risk Society: Social, Religious, and Ethical Implications in Contemporary Europe", 22 September, 2023, University of Presov
International symposium "Blasphemy and Religious Insult in the Contemporary World", 12 September, 2023, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization
International conference "Intercultural Dialogue and the Transformation of Borders", June 9-11, 2023, Prešov, Slovakia
13th European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation (ESRARC 2023), May 25-27, 2023, Constanta (Romania)
8th international seminar RKS - Religion, Knowledge, Society - "The Meaning of Life. A phenomenological approach in a fusion of horizons", May 17th-18th, 2023, Pojorâta (Romania)
8th international conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY (RKS) - HUMAN BEING IN THE HORIZON OF AUTHENTICITY. Philosophical and religious perspectives, May 10th-11th, 2023, Constanța (Romania)
Erasmus Mobility, Institute of Philosophy, VASS (VIETNAM), 28 APRIL - 5 MAY, 2023
National Conference "Ethical and Aesthetic Perspectives on Virtual Reality", November 29, 2022, invited speakers: Cornel MORARU (National University of Arts in Bucharest), Anda ZAHIU (Center for Research in Applied Ethics - Bucharest)
International conference "The Challange of Transhumanism to Anthropology and Its Implications for our Understanding of Human Dignity and Rights: Global Perspectives", September 14, 2022, University of Presov, Slovakia (scientific communication presented: Transhumanism and Theosis: two different perspectives on human perfection)
International coloquium "The Future of Imago Dei Theologies in the Context of the New Challenges of Transhumanism: Prelimary Investigations", June 9, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia
7th International seminar Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) - "The Doctrine of Imago Dei and the New Challenges of Transhumanism. Explorations in Eastern and Western Traditions", 2-5 June, 2022, Vatra-Dornei
7th International conference Religion, Knowledge, Society (RKS) "IDENTITIES & BOUNDARIES. Configurations of Religious Diversity in Global Dynamics", 30-31 May, 2022 Constanța
Conference "Between nationalism and globalization: continuities, fractures and perspectives in the history of Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present", organized by the "George Barițiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy and Babeș-Bolyai University, 13-15 October 2022, Cluj-Napoca
International conference MODERNISM, MODERNIZARE, MODERNITATE. PERSPECTIVE ISTORIOGRAFICE ȘI METODOLOGICE, organized by "George Baritiu" Institute of History, Romanian Academy and Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, October 14, 2021
International conference "Religious education in a fusion of horizons. Christian and Islamic perspectives", 3 June 2021, invited speakers: Dr. Hüseyin Guneș, Dr. Fevzi Rençber, Dr. Kasım Ertaş (Şırnak University, Turkey)
International conference "Prophetic Teachings: Peace, Co-existence and Reconciliation", University of Karachi, 22-23 February 2020, Karachi, Pakistan
International conference "Istoria și scrisul istoric azi", organized by „George Bariţiu” History Institute of Romanian Academy, 2-5 February 2020, Cluj-Napoca
International conference Current perspectives on the interplay between Philosophy, Ethics and Education, 9 January 2020, Institute of Philosophy, Hanoi, Vietnam (scientific communication presented: Rediscover the existential value of education in contemporary society: challenges and perspectives)
6th Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Religious Fundamentalism: causes, effects, solutions, December 9, 2019, Constanta, Romania
LOGOS Summer School, 3rd edition - "Meaning & Expression", September 18-22, 2019, Vatra Dornei, Romania
Conference - Freedom and Justice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, invited speaker: Dr. Laurențiu Gheorghe (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest), 15 November 2019, Faculty of Theology, "Ovidius" University of Constanta, Romania
Annual School of Byzantine Studies - "Stability and Change at the Borders of Byzantium and Beyond", 5th-13th September 2019, Bucharest & Constanta, Romania
5th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Conceptions of Freedom in a 'Post-Truth' World: Religious and Philosophical Perspectives, 1-3 July 2019, Constanta, Romania
The Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, 3rd edition, 12-14 June 2019, Constanta, Romania (Panel III - "Tolerance or Fundamentalism? How We Can Use Religions for a Reconciliation Process")
International workshop of the Project University of Žilina Enhancing Quality of Education based on Internationalization” (004ŽU-2/2016), 28-31 May 2019, Slovakia
Conference "Globalization and new secular religions", guest speaker: Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicu Gavriluță (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Political Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași), June 1, 2019, Faculty of Theology, "Ovidius" University of Constanța, Romania
Conference - Real și Imaginar în Știință și Teologie, invited speaker: Dr. Iulian Rusu (Technical University"Gh. Assachi", Iași), 7 February 2019, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta
International Symposium Comuniune şi comunităţi: jertfă, slujire, spiritualitate", 6-7 May 2019, Caransebes, Romania
6th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY – Religious Discourse in Contemporary Society, 23-25 November 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
International conference Contemporary Islamic Discourse between Intolerance and Tolerance, invited speaker: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleiman (University of Beni-Suef, Egypt), 27-29 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania
International conference - Religion, Knowledge, Spirituality in Intercultural Dynamics, invited speaker: Dr. Abdul Rashid (University of Karachi, Pakistan), 27-29 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania
Conference Sanskrita - demers întru înțelepciune, invited speakers: Dr. Eugen Ciurtin (Institutul de Istoria Religiilor, Academia Română) and Vlad Șovărel, 8 November 2018, Faculty of Theology, “Ovidius” University of Constanta
Conference History of Religions in Contemporary Europe, guest speaker: Dr. Eugen Ciurtin (Institute of History of Religions, Romanian Academy), November 7, 2018, Faculty of Theology, "Ovidius" University of Constanta
International Conference 5th Round of Shi`a – Romanian Orthodox Church Interfaith Dialogue, 16-21 November 2018, Al Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran
Summer School LOGOS, Edition II: Time & Memory, 18-21 September 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
International Conference Theology in Modern Educational and Academic Space, RUDN University, Moscow, November 1-2, 2018
International Symposium Teologia ortodoxă românească la Centenar, „Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași, Faculty of Theology, 23-25 October 2018
5th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Spirituality as an Antidote to Violence, July 5th - 6th, 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
International conference Interreligious Dialogue in Contemporary World. Lebanese Context, invited speakers: Edward Alam (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), Chady Rahme (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), Doumit Sakameh (Notre Dame University-Loauize, Lebanon), 2 July 2018, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
International Conference One God, One Spirit, One Belief, invited speakers: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleyman (Beni Suef, Egipt) / Dr. Iulian Damian (“Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 29 October, 2015, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
4th International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Tradition and Modernity. Religion in Contemporary Dynamics, 21-23 June 2018, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
4th International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Identity and Alterity. Religion in the Global Society, 18-19 June 2018, Constanta
International conference Herman Cohen in History of Russian Philosophy, 4-5 June 2018, Peoples Friendship University of Russia (Russia)
ERASMUS Lecture Romanian Orthodox Churh: History, Spirituality and Contemporary Challenges, presented at University of Žilina - Faculty of Humanities (Slovakia) , 5 March 2018
ERASMUS Lecture Religious Identities in the Global Society. Conceptualization of Interreligious Dialogue Paradigms, presented at Faculty of Humanities, The Benedict XVI Endowed Chair of Religious, Cultural, and Philosophical Studies, Notre Dame University-Louaize (Lebanon), 27 April 2018
International conference Human Person facing the challenges of secular society, invited speaker: Dr. Katarina Valcova (University of Zilina, Slovakia), 11 December, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
Conference Credință, raționalitate și provocările globalizării, invited speaker: Dr. Laurențiu Gheorghe (University of Bucharest), 21 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
Conference Hermeneutica biblică în scrierile Sf. Maxim Mărturisitorul, invited speaker: Dr. Florin Crîșmăreanu (Faculty of Philosophy and Social-Sciences, “Al. I. Cuza” University from Iasi), 14/15 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
14th Annual International Scientific Conference Marketing Identity, 7-8 November, 2017, University of Tarnava (Slovakia)
International Conference Religious Tourism and its Social Role in Society, invited speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polina Ananchenkova (Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Rusia), 1 November, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
Conference Christianity and Islam: Criteria for Interreligious Dialogue, invited speaker: Dr. Suleiman Ahmed Mohamed (Beni-Suef University, Egipt), 23-24 October 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
The Fourth Interfaith and Intercultural Christian-Islamic Symposium “The Importance of Pilgrimages and Religious Visits for the Dialogue between Religions and Cultures Nowadays”, 5-6 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania
International Conference PHYSICS, TECHNOLOGY, ETHICS: Global and Local Challenges of the Interaction of Natural and Human Sciences, 21-23 September, 2017, Zilina University in Zilina, Slovakia
Summer School LOGOS, Edition I: Translation, exegesis, interpretation, 15-20 September, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
3rd International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Human Person and the Challenges of Secularization, 22-25 June, 2017, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
3rd International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Religion in a Secular Society. Challenges and Perspectives, 19-20 June, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Conference Metaphysics, Theology and Phenomenology, invited speaker: Assoc. Prof. Dr. George Bondor (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași), June 12, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Conference Epistemic problems raised by the current debate on atheism, invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Dan Gabriel Sîmbotin (Romanian Academy, Iasi Branch), 29 May, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
Conference Theology and Philosophy in Dialogue. Reconsidering a fusion of horizons, invited speakers: Prof. PhD: Dr. Alexandru Tofan & Dr. Florina Hariga (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iași), May 15-16, 2017, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
2nd International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, 5-6 November, 2016, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
2nd International Conference Knowledge, Reality, Transcendence. A Dialogue between East and West, 31 October - 6 November, 2016, Constanța, Sinaia, Romania
9th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation, 18-19 May, 2017, Iași, Romania
Annual Conference of the International Society Thomas Aquinas, Romanian Branch On Goodness. Philosophical, theological and interdisciplinary approaches, May 12-13, 2017, University of Bucharest, Romania
Scientific communication session Christian values in Europe: past, present, future, 18 May, 2017, Iași, Faculty of Theology, "Al. I. Cuza" University from Iași, Romania
International Seminar Secular Humanism, Religion and Dialogue. Search for Transcendence and Transparency for the Common Good, 20-24 January, 2017, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
International Conference Religious Education between Radicalization and Tolerance, 21-23 October, 2016, Bucharest, Romania
International Symposium Education and Confession. Christian Formation of Young People in the Living Spirit of Tradition, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, November 13-16, 2016
Conference Interreligious and Antitreligios Dialogue. From Misunderstanding to Misinterpretation, invited speaker: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Suleyman (Beni Suef University, Egipt), 27 October, 2016, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
1st International Seminar RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Knowledge and Spirituality. Religious Dimension of Man in the Horizon of Contemporary Challenges, 4-6 June, 2016, Vatra-Dornei, Romania
1st International Conference RELIGION, KNOWLEDGE, SOCIETY - Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in a Pluralistic World. Philosophical and Theological Perspectives, 1-2 June, 2016, Constanta, Romania
Conference Theology and Science in Dialogue, invited speaker: Dr. Iulian Rusu ("Gh. Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania), 30 Mars, 2016, Faculty of Theology, Ovidius University of Constanta
8th European Symposium on Religious Art, Restauration and Conservation, 28-28 May 2016, Viterbo, Italy
The 3th Interreligious Dialogue Between Shia Islam and Orthodox Christianity of Romania, 13-20 May 2016, Al Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran
BSU Colloquium for Global Philosophy and Religion: "Difference and Identity: East and West", 9th-30th April, 2016, Bath Spa Newton Park Campus, UK
International Conference Megatrends & Media 2016. Critique in Media, Critique of Media, 19-20 Aprilie 2016, Trnava, Slovakya
International Conference Religion, The Sacred and Hospitality, 4-5 March 2016, University of Bucharest, Romania
Congresul internațional Pregătim viitorul promovând excelența, Secțiunea Interdisciplinaritate în științele socio-umane, 3-5 March, 2016, Universitatea "Apollonia" din Iași
International conference The concept of transcendence and immanence in Philosophy and Theology, Ovidius University of Constanța, March 3, 2016
International Conference The Quest for Peaceful Interfaith Co-Existence, November 24-25, Islamabad, Pakistan
The International Seminar The Role of Spirituality in Promoting Reconciliation, August 17-23, 2015 Constanta, Romania